As businesses continue to become more reliant on technology, it is not unreasonable to say that if your business hasn’t already been attacked, you will eventually be a target.

The threat of a cyber attack is nothing new, but the types of attacks are always changing. The goal of this article is to explain the three most common types of cyberattacks and give you guidance on how to recognize and prevent them.

Graphic with a red circle and a trojan horse in the middle for malware.


Malware is an umbrella term for malicious software, including viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware, and many use the terms malware and virus interchangeably.

How does it work

Since Malware is an umbrella term, there are many different types of malware attacks. One version is a trojan horse, which is a virus posing as a legitimate software. When a user launches the program, the computer is slowly infected with malicious code until it loses functionality.

How to prevent

Again, since malware encompasses so many types of cyberattacks, it is hard to nail down how to prevent all of them in one specific way. The use of advanced security can help prevent a malware attack.

Graphic with an computer infected with ransomware.


Ransomware is exactly what it sounds like: software that denies you access to your files or computer until you pay a ransom.

How does it work

A ransomware attack will start with a call-to-action. This usually looks like an infected link online or enabling editing on an infected document.

How to prevent

An updated system is the first step in preventing ransomware. An updated computer is a more difficult target. Backing up your documents will ensure that you have copies of all important documents should an attack happen. Then you can access your documents should you be unable to retrieve them.

Graphic with red circle and an envelope on a hook for email phishing.


A phishing attack involves deceiving recipients into sharing sensitive information.

How does it work

A cyber criminal will pick companies that they believe are susceptible to cyber attacks, regardless of the size. They will then research the company in order to create a convincing email to employees in which they will ask for sensitive information or embed a dangerous link. After sending the email, the cyber criminal will wait for employees to respond to the email with the sensitive data they are after.

How to prevent

Education is the first step in prevention when it comes to phishing attacks. Your employees need to be aware of what makes an email suspicious and what to do when they recognize the signs.

How Anteris can help

At Anteris, we make security a top priority. Our security services support your business and protect your data from a cyber attack through services such as Active Dark Web monitoring. Attackers are always looking for new ways to create a data breach.

We believe that education is the key to the prevention of all types of cyberattacks, and work with our Clients to provide ongoing education to make employees aware of the security dangers and provide them with the knowledge of the best practices for protecting against cyber threats. Schedule an appointment with us to find out how we make technology freeing (and safe), not frustrating.