As the healthcare industry continues to rapidly evolve, many healthcare businesses are struggling to keep up with the demands of the industry. One of the main challenges faced by these businesses is managing their IT systems, which are essential for the storage, protection, and processing of sensitive patient information. This can be a time-consuming and costly process, and with the increasing threat of cyber attacks, it's becoming even more important to have secure IT systems in place.

However, the good news is that cloud technology offers a solution to these challenges. By leveraging the benefits of the cloud, healthcare businesses can improve their IT systems in a way that saves time and money, while also providing better security and accessibility to patient data. With cloud technology, healthcare businesses can take advantage of increased scalability, cost savings, and improved data security. These benefits are particularly important in a time when healthcare IT needs to be more agile and adaptive than ever.

In the healthcare industry, compliance is of the utmost importance. With regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the HITECH Act, healthcare businesses must be diligent in their handling of patient data. This means that when it comes to using cloud technology, it's essential that these businesses have the proper measures in place to ensure that they remain compliant. With the right steps, healthcare businesses can ensure that they are both taking advantage of the benefits of the cloud and maintaining compliance with regulations.

Stethoscope and Laptop Computer. Laptop computers and other kinds of mobile devices and communications technologies are of increasing importance in the delivery of health care. Photographer Daniel Sone
Photo by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

Advantages of the Cloud for Healthcare Businesses

The cloud offers a range of advantages for healthcare businesses, including cost savings, scalability, accessibility, and improved data security. By leveraging the benefits of cloud technology, healthcare businesses can improve their IT systems and ensure that they are able to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving healthcare industry.

Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of leveraging cloud technology for healthcare businesses is the potential for cost savings. Instead of investing in expensive hardware and IT infrastructure, healthcare businesses can take advantage of the cost-effective services offered by cloud providers. These providers handle the maintenance and upgrades of the technology, reducing the need for in-house IT staff. In addition, cloud technology eliminates the need for large upfront capital investments, freeing up resources for other critical areas of the business. According to a recent study, cloud technology can reduce IT costs for healthcare businesses by as much as 30%.


Another key advantage of cloud technology for healthcare businesses is scalability. As these businesses grow and evolve, their IT needs will change, and cloud technology provides the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. This means that businesses can add or remove resources as needed, without incurring additional costs. With the cloud, healthcare businesses can focus on their core mission without worrying about IT infrastructure limitations.


Accessibility is another important benefit of cloud technology for healthcare businesses. With the cloud, healthcare professionals can access patient data from any location with an internet connection, providing the flexibility they need to work effectively. This is particularly important in today's remote work environment, where healthcare professionals may need to access patient data from a variety of locations. The cloud also provides healthcare businesses with the ability to share data with other stakeholders, such as partners, regulators, and patients, improving collaboration and communication.

Data security

Finally, cloud technology provides improved data security for healthcare businesses. Cloud providers are equipped with the latest security technologies and best practices, making it easier for healthcare businesses to protect sensitive patient data. In addition, cloud technology enables the use of advanced security protocols, such as encryption, which can help to prevent cyber attacks and data breaches. According to a recent study, cloud technology is considered to be more secure than traditional IT systems for 85% of healthcare businesses.

With the right approach, healthcare businesses can take advantage of the cloud while also maintaining compliance with regulations. This article will provide insights into how healthcare businesses can leverage the benefits of the cloud and remain compliant, helping them to solve their IT issues and achieve their goals.

Photo by Accuray / Unsplash

Compliance in Healthcare IT

​Compliance is a crucial aspect for healthcare businesses looking to leverage the benefits of the cloud. With the increasing volume of patient data being stored and processed in the cloud, it is essential to ensure that it is protected and handled in accordance with relevant regulations, such as HIPAA and HITECH. In this section, we will explore the importance of compliance in healthcare IT, the need for compliance in the cloud, and the steps that healthcare businesses can take to ensure that they remain compliant while leveraging the benefits of cloud technology. By understanding these key considerations, healthcare businesses can make informed decisions about their use of the cloud, while also protecting patient data and maintaining the trust of their stakeholders.

Regulatory Requirements

The healthcare industry is subject to a number of regulatory requirements, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the HITECH Act, which govern the handling of patient information. These regulations impose strict requirements on healthcare businesses, including the need to protect patient data and ensure its confidentiality. Non-compliance can result in significant financial penalties and damage to a business's reputation.

Need for Compliance in the Cloud

As healthcare businesses transition to the cloud, it is important to ensure that they maintain compliance with these regulations. The cloud presents new challenges, such as the need to ensure that patient data is stored and transmitted securely, even when it is stored and processed outside of a business's direct control. This requires a carefully planned approach to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, and that patient data remains protected.

Steps to Ensure Compliance

To ensure compliance in the cloud, healthcare businesses must take a number of steps, including conducting a thorough risk assessment, selecting a cloud provider that is compliant with relevant regulations, and implementing security controls to protect patient data. Businesses must also establish clear policies and procedures for the use of cloud technology, and ensure that all employees are trained on these policies. Additionally, businesses must regularly monitor their cloud systems to ensure that they remain compliant and that patient data is protected.

Compliance is a critical consideration for healthcare businesses looking to leverage the benefits of the cloud. By following best practices and taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance, businesses can ensure that they meet the requirements of relevant regulations while also protecting patient data and maintaining the trust of their patients and stakeholders.

Doctor Holding Cell Phone. Cell phones and other kinds of mobile devices and communications technologies are of increasing importance in the delivery of health care. Photographer Daniel Sone
Photo by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

Best Practices for Implementing Cloud Technology in Healthcare Businesses

Choosing the Right Cloud Service Provider

One of the key decisions for healthcare businesses looking to implement cloud technology is choosing the right cloud service provider. The provider should have a solid track record of providing secure, reliable cloud services to healthcare businesses, and should be compliant with relevant regulations such as HIPAA and HITECH. It is also important to choose a provider that offers the right mix of features and services to meet the specific needs of the business, while also being cost-effective.

Establishing a Solid Security Plan

Security is a critical consideration for healthcare businesses using the cloud, and it is essential to establish a solid security plan to ensure that patient data is protected. This should include measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and access controls, as well as regular monitoring and auditing to detect and respond to security incidents. It is also important to involve all relevant stakeholders, including IT staff and management, in the development of the security plan.

Proper Data Management

Proper data management is key to ensuring the security and privacy of patient data in the cloud. This includes ensuring that sensitive data is encrypted both at rest and in transit, as well as implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access, such as access controls and activity monitoring. It is also important to have a clear data retention policy, including procedures for data deletion, to ensure that patient data is not retained unnecessarily.

Staying Informed about Updates and Changes in Regulations

The regulations governing the healthcare industry are subject to change, and it is important for healthcare businesses to stay informed about updates and changes. This includes regularly reviewing relevant regulations, such as HIPAA and HITECH, and making any necessary changes to policies and procedures to ensure continued compliance. It is also important to work closely with the cloud service provider to ensure that they are aware of any updates or changes and that they are taking the necessary steps to ensure that their services remain compliant.

Implementing cloud technology in healthcare businesses requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following best practices, such as choosing the right cloud service provider, establishing a solid security plan, and staying informed about updates and changes in regulations, healthcare businesses can leverage the benefits of cloud technology while also ensuring the protection and privacy of patient data.

How Anteris Can Help

The implementation of cloud technology offers numerous benefits for healthcare businesses. With the ability to scale your business as needed, reduce the costs associated with hardware and software, and increase accessibility to data, the cloud can play a crucial role in solving many IT challenges faced by healthcare organizations.

In order to ensure that your healthcare business leverages these benefits while also maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements, it is crucial to choose the right cloud service provider and implement best practices for data management and security. The importance of these considerations cannot be overstated, as healthcare organizations deal with sensitive patient information that must be protected at all times.

This is where Anteris can help. Our expert team is knowledgeable in working with healthcare IT providers and understands the unique challenges faced by the industry. We offer secure, zero-trust servers in our data centers, a pay-as-you-go model, and a scalable platform that enables you to adapt to changing business needs. Our expertise with on-premise, AWS, and Azure hybrid deployment provides you with fast, secure, and flexible healthcare IT systems, and our focus on security-minded cloud deployment ensures that your critical data is always protected.

At Anteris, we are dedicated to helping your healthcare business benefit from the many advantages of cloud technology. Whether you're looking for a full cloud deployment or a hybrid solution that blends on-premise and cloud technologies, our team of experts is here to help you find the right fit for your business. With our extensive experience and expertise in cloud migration, we are confident that we can help you solve your IT challenges and fully leverage the benefits of the cloud.