Cloud Document Management: The Ultimate Storage Solution for Business Growth

Cloud Document Management: The Ultimate Storage Solution for Business Growth

Cloud-based document management has been around for a while, but the pandemic made it even more desirable. Cloud platforms have taken center stage to find a secure way for employees to access resources and collaborate with coworkers remotely.

It’s not hard to see why. Cloud storage has a lot to love, but how do you know if cloud-based document management is right for your business? We’ll discuss that here.

What Is Cloud-Based Document Management

Cloud-based document management means taking physical documents and digital resources and moving them to a cloud platform. The type of cloud you choose for your business may vary, but cloud-based document management offers flexibility, scalability, organization, accessibility, and more.

Cloud Document Management


There are plenty of benefits associated with cloud-based document management, but the following are a few main ones:


Cost savings are possible with cloud-based document management depending on the cloud platforms used. Utilizing the cloud also includes the option of hardware-as-a-service. As part of the service model, a data center frees up money that capital infrastructure expenses would have previously eaten up. HaaS shifts the equipment expense into your organization’s operations budget.


The cloud is accessible any place, any time. In the “work-from-anywhere” job market, accessibility is key to productivity. Cloud document management allows users to access resources regardless of the user’s location. In addition to accessing the data, cloud storage often offers ways to organize resources for efficient searches and quick discoverability.


Scalability is one of the most straightforward benefits of cloud storage. With on-premise storage, current hardware and software to your existing hardware and software. Your on-premise equipment may hinder any innovation.Your storage capacity is limited to your hardware’s capacity. To get more storage, you will need to purchase more equipment. You can add more storage to your plan without a significant capital expense with cloud storage.


Moving to the cloud doesn’t negate security challenges. Instead, there are certain things to consider in regards to cloud security. Your cloud security considerations will vary depending on your deployment method. Still, in general, cloud storage often offers organizations access to a higher level of security than they would be able to access independently.


Cloud integration can refer to a few things, including bringing multiple applications to work together and combining numerous cloud environments.


Software can be developed specifically to run in a cloud computing environment. These options offered businesses flexibility and customization. Custom-developed applications can cost less to build and run than traditional applications since they are business-specific.

How Anteris Can Help

Cloud-based document management can elevate your business. If you don’t already utilize the cloud, transitioning to a cloud setup can be daunting. It’s essential to have an IT strategy defined and in place. Working with a strategic IT provider will help your organization make the right cloud choices for your business objectives and goals.

Determining your cloud needs and choosing the right cloud provider are essential. That’s where a strategic managed IT services provider is necessary. We have specialized systems in place to address the needs of the legal industry.

At Anteris, our hardware-as-a-service structure allows for greater availability of equipment. Since we maintain an inventory of related models, we can quickly dispatch replacements when required. Hardware-as-a-Service provides a longer use-life and more excellent value for the team.

In addition, we can combine hardware with data management to create greater resilience. We can do this in various ways, such as linking onsite servers to our data center or installing multiple servers on the same site so if one fails, others remain online. These solutions could easily cost up to $100,000, putting a significant strain on your bottom line. At Anteris, we’ve already made these investments—allowing Clients to access enterprise-level technology at a fraction of the cost.

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