Case Study: A Pandemic Pivot

A healthcare nonprofit gained the ability to easily pivot during the 2020 pandemic—while gaining greater capacity to improve outcomes for partners.

The Challenge

Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) is a unique nonprofit providing data and analytics with the goal of improving the outcomes and experiences of patients. Anteris has provided technology services to MHQP for more than fifteen years, evolving alongside the organization.

Problems emerged with MHQP’s previous server just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. MHQP needed to quickly replace their old server hardware while also expanding the ability for their teams to work remotely.

Main Challenge 1 Main Challenge 2 Main Challenge 3
Server Replacement Overcome Staff Concerns Enhanced Security
A virtual server provides superior computing power without the hassle of dealing with physical infrastructure. A systemic approach to switching systems made the process pain-free for staff and improved productivity. With the implementation of measures like MFA, team members can access sensitive data from any location.

From Frustrating to Freeing

MHQP’s physical server was removed and replaced with a virtual server provided by Anteris. The server is part of the investments Anteris continually makes to provide enterprise-grade computing power at a fraction of the cost to clients. MHQP will no longer need to purchase a server and deal with depreciation, costly upgrades, and eventual replacement.

When it came to pivoting to virtual systems, Anteris started with the backbone of MHQP’s operations: email. “We live and die by email,” said Jim Courtemanche, Vice President of Programs and Analytics. Successfully transferring email made the case that other MHQP systems could go virtual as well. That included the implementation of multifactor authentication (MFA).

Using MFA came with the added benefit of accessing sensitive data from remote locations. “Because we have it, we can run virtual machines (software instead of a physical computer) to pull HIPPA data.” Previously, this data was maintained on one physical computer that needed to be passed between colleagues. Experts and consultants can also be given access to the data without providing access to other parts of MHQP’s operations.

We’re grateful for the expertise of Anteris. They seem to know about everything we needed. Anteris brings possible solutions to use and nudge us and in the end, they are right on target.

Next Goals

MHQP faces many of the same challenges as small nonprofits with limited funding. The IT framework created for them by Anteris provides affordability, flexibility, customized buildouts, and the ability to securely access and store information. The team at MHQP now has the infrastructure to continue seeking the best outcomes for patients across Massachusetts.

In Summary

What Was The Challenge?

Deal with the challenge of transitioning the IT framework while also creating opportunities for employees to work remotely during the global pandemic.

How Did We Help?

Anteris provided an upgraded framework that included a virtual server, transitioning legacy systems to new ones, and instituting enhanced security.

Why It Worked

The solution provided is sized to fit the scope and needs of MHQP, while being mindful of budget considerations and future needs.

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