Private Cloud Security: Is Your Private Cloud Private Enough?

Private Cloud Security: Is Your Private Cloud Private Enough?

Cloud computing is something many businesses use, but there are a variety of deployments to choose from. Businesses looking for extra security are often directed to a private cloud.

The name “private cloud” lends one to think this deployment is obviously more secure than a “public cloud.” This can be deceiving, as there are different layers of privacy woven into a private cloud.

What Is Private Cloud

Private cloud is often defined as a cloud service only accessible by one organization. Some deployments utilize off-premise data centers while others are an internal cloud setup in an on-premise data center.

Private clouds are available in two forms: owned and hosted. Owned private clouds are the on-premise solution where servers are owned by the company. While this setup may work for some organization, it negates many of the advantages of utilizing cloud deployments—such as reduced capital expenses.

A hosted private cloud is a private cloud deployment hosted and managed by a third-party provider.

No matter where the hardware is located, private clouds allow for a more customizable environment so the company can create a platform that is best for their business needs.

Private Cloud Security Features

One of the main benefits of a private cloud is their added security. Since private clouds are customized to one organization, security features are also customized.

While public clouds are tasked with protecting thousands of customers, private cloud solutions allow for customizable measures to protect their Client. Private clouds can meet the compliance regulations in a way that public clouds do not.

Private cloud security doesn’t necessarily stem from limited access. Rather, private clouds are more secure in part because, unlike public clouds, less people know they’re there.

Who Should Use a Private Cloud?

Just like with any cloud deployment, a private cloud is going to be better for some organizations over others.

Businesses with Security Concerns

Security is a concern for many businesses. Some organizations have compliance regulations to contend with, while others are simply security-minded.

Organizations that store customer data need to protect and keep that data private. In addition, breaches are costly and often harmful to a business’s reputation.

Businesses with Significant Software or Application Use

Companies with complex operations often struggle to find the customization necessary in a public cloud. Private clouds allow for customization to meet the needs of the organization.

Companies with Growth

Private clouds can accommodate growth without compromising resources. A cloud deployment allows for users to be added quickly and easily, so scaling is simple.

Companies with Seasonality

Some businesses have periods of high traffic. For example, tax prep businesses see a spike in activity during tax season. Private clouds can offer the resources to meet demands and also allow companies to utilize a hybrid cloud structure if that works with their business.

Businesses Concerned with Data Ownership

The data ownership terms are different in private and public cloud. In a private cloud deployment, you have complete control over the data.

Who Shouldn’t?

Again, there are companies for who a private cloud is not the perfect solution. Organizations that do not store large amounts of client data may not see the need for the security included with a private cloud.

Startups may not need a private cloud solution, as storage needs aren’t substantial enough to justify the investment. This may change as the business grows, and the organization needs a more sophisticated cloud computing solution.

How Anteris Can Help

If you’re looking for a private cloud solution, we’re here to help. We have our own dedicated private cloud infrastructure.

We offer our Clients private and hybrid cloud management services with access to our enterprise-level hardware and security through a predictable monthly fee.

In addition, we can combine hardware with data management to create greater resilience. We can do this in various ways, such as linking onsite servers to our data center or installing multiple servers on the same site so if one fails, others remain online. These solutions could easily cost up to $100,000, putting a significant strain on your bottom line. At Anteris, we’ve already made these investments, so you can reap the benefits.

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