It can feel like every day that you're receiving notifications that your login credentials are compromised.

But occasionally, a hacker will sneak past the defenses and you won't receive a notification. It's important to know how to recognize the signs of a hacked account and know how to prevent issues in the future.

We'll talk about how to recognize when your email and social accounts have been hacked as well as what to do if it happens to you.

Hacked Email

What to look for: Password has changed; Unusual inbox activity; Password reset emails from other sites; Account access from unexpected ip address; Your email contacts let you know they’ve received a strange email   How did it happen: Password hack or brute force cyber attack; Social engineering; and Phishing email

Hacked Social

What To Look For: Changes to your follower count; Friend or contact requests you didn’t make; Duplicate accounts requesting your friends/contacts; Posts that you did not make; Old posts suddenly deleted; Password has been changed; Notification that your account was accessed from a new location/device  How Did This Happen: Phishing email appearing to be from Facebook/other social media website; Sneaky social media apps; Malicious link within Facebook/Twitter

How To Prevent

We get it: breaches happen. If your accounts have been compromised, immediately change your passwords and notify your cybersecurity team.

To prevent further attacks, be vigilant about the websites you visit and any time you are entering your login credentials anywhere. Utilize a password manager to house your strong, unique passwords (or passphrases if you're looking to level-up your password game) and bring on multifactor authentication whenever you can.

Education is key to preventing cyberattacks. Knowing what to look for is going to be the best way to prevent them.

How Anteris Can Help

At Anteris, we make security a top priority. Our security services support your business and protect your data from outside threats through services such as Active Dark Web monitoring. Attackers are always looking for new ways to create a data breach.

We believe that education is the key to the prevention of all types of cyberattacks, and work with our Clients to provide ongoing education to make employees aware of the security dangers and provide them with the knowledge of the best practices for protecting against cyber threats.

Let us make your technology freeing, not frustrating.